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When Is a Door Not a Door?

Now that we've settled that, let's move on to the audience participation section of today's post:
It isn't every day that you have the time to take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood: a stroll without purpose or destination, a chance to stretch your legs, let the mind wander, and get reaquainted with some old familiar sights. On your way, perhaps you'd stop in at a cozy coffee shop, explore the paths of a favorite park, or take the opportunity to do some window-shopping. Then there are those days when it's enough just to let your feet decide your course...

Picture yourself on a stroll through town. The day is beautiful and you're half-lost in a daydream. You turn onto a street that you've never been down before, and as you walk you pass a beautiful house set somewhat back from the street. Pausing a moment to admire the lovely home, you notice the door is half-open. Why is the door ajar?

1. The house is being burgarlized.
2. The owner forgot to close it.
3. The owner is inside, sweeping out the entranceway.

Key to When Is a Door Not a Door?

Doors have a twofold significance: they may be passageways, but they can also be barriers as well. In particular, the front door of a house represents its first line of defense, all that stands between its inhabitants and the uncertainties of the world outside. By imagining as open a door that should normally be closed, you envision a scenario or vulnerability and exposure. On a subconscious level, the reason you imagined teh door being open is linked to the ways that you leave yourself open and expose your own weaknesses to others.

1. The house is being burgarlized.
You instantly assume the worst in any situation, and this trait is nowhere more evident than when things actually do go wrong. You never get flustered in a crisis, but only because you're much too busy panicking. So the next time disaster strikes, it's important to keep a clear head and remember to take a few deep breaths first and count to ten. Then you can faint.

2. The owner forgot to close it.
You aren't the type to get carried away in crisis situations. On the contrary, you're so relaxed that you may not notice a crisis is occuring at all. The mistakes you make are caused more by oversight than bad intentions, but the end results for you (and for people around you) are the same.

3. The owner is inside, sweeping out the entranceway.
You may appear to be a laid-back sort, but you never let your guard down. Achieving that constant state of relaxed alertness is what has made you into the mature individual you are. Of course, you still have your human weaknesses; you just don't put them on display for all the world to see.

On your Birthday

Your Birthday is the one day a year when you're justified in expecting things to be just a little nicer than usual. Well wishes and congratulations, presents and cards, maybe even a party or romantic dinner for two.

It's your birthday today, and when you check your mailbox you see you've gotten a card from someone you would have never expected. who is the sender? You have also received a number of gifts from family & Friends. Of that group, who sent you the biggest package? (Give the names of people in your life when answering the quiz.)


The responses you gave signify your true feelings about people in your life, feelings you might not even be aware of yourself. The person who unexpectedly sent you a cards is actually someone you would like to care more about you or give you more attention. In short, the person you named as the sender is someone you'be been hesitant to approach, or just a friend you haven't heard from in a while? Maybe it's time you made the first move toward bridging that gap.

On the surface, you might associate thebiggest package you received with good feelings about the sender. But from a psychological perspective, the person you named as the sender s someone whose affections you take for granted. This doesn't nessarily signify a lack of respect, but you definately feel confident of their feelings for you. Be careful not to get overconfident. What feels like security to you may look like plain selfishness to others.

Where the Sky meets the Sea

There are breathtaking mountain vistas, sweeping metropolitan skylines, rugged tracts of forest that scretch as far as the eye can see, and gentle country landscapes dotted with fields and farms, but of all the scenic views in the world, none can stir the imagination and calm the soul like the unbroken line where the sky meets the sea. That blue horizon is a vast space inviting the mind to relax and unwind, to soar above and dive within, to dream...

You are staying at a resort hotel with ocean view. Lying on your bed, you gaze out a huge bay window across the cool blue waters, and lulled by the scene, you drift off to sleep. Which of the following view greets you when you awake?

1. A bright midday sun burning over the sea.

2. The dark ocean sleeping beneath a starry night sky.

3. A cool mist rolling in over the waters.

4. The sun just beginning to sink beneath the horizon at dusk.


In myths and ancient religions from around the world, the sea and the sky are pictured as an eternal couple, forever holding each other in a loving enbrace. The way you envisaged the scene out your hotel room window is your vision of the ideal relationship between two loving partners and shows the things you seek most from love.

1. A bright midday sun burning over the sea
Passionate excitement and intensity are essential to your ideal romance. For you, love isn't true love if it doesn't burn like fire, and if that means added danger, it always proves worth the risks in the end.

2. The dark ocean sleeping beneath a starry night sky
Others may think you're a little hokey or old-fashioned, but you place the greatest emphasis on things like commitment and faithful devotion in a relationship. Your love affairs may not set the sky ablaze, but they will never cause you any sleepless nights, either. And when other loves have clouded over or burst into flames, you will still be enjoying those nights of untroubled sleep-- together.

3. A cool mist rolling in over the waters
The line between friendship and love is blurred for you; the two inevitably flow into each other. Your perfect relationship is with someone you can tell your secrets to, share laughter and tears with, and just relax and be yourself around. You refuse to believe that your lover can't also be your best friend.

4. The sun just beginning to sink beneath the horizon at dusk.
You seek a storybook romance that inspires the worldwith its picture-postcard perfection. Everything has to be just right, from the meeting, to the first kiss, to the place settings at the wedding, to the house with the white picket fence. True love is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you see no reason to settle for less than the very best.

Under a Clear Blue Sky

Imagine a clear blue sky without a cloud in sight. Just thinking about it should give your spirits a little lift. Now turn your minds eye down to survey the landscape. Which of these scenes feels most calm and relaxing to you?

1. a white snowy plain

2. a blue seascape

3. A green mountain

4. A field of yellow flowers.

Tell me what you picked and I will tell you what the book says it means. ;-)


The color blue has power to soothe the soul. Even a blue image in the mind can slow the pulse and make you take a deep breath. Other colors have significance too. The scene you pictured contrasted against that clear blue sky reveals a hidden talent that resides in the depths of your untroubled mind.

1. A white snowy plain You are blessed with a special sensitivity that allows you to comprehend situations at a glance and decipher complex problems without needing any proof or explanation. You have what it takes to be a clear-sighted decision maker and even something of a visionary. Always trust your first intuititions; they will guide you well.

2. A blue seascape. You have a natural talent for interpersonal relations. People repect your ability to communicate with others and the way you help bring diverse groups together. Just by being around, you help others work more smoothly and efficiently, making you an invaluable member of any project or team. When you say "Nice job, keep up the good work" people know you mean it. So it means much more to them.

3. A green mountain. Your gift is for expressive communications. You always seem to be able to find the words to express the way you feel, and peole soon realize it's exactly how they were feeling too. They say that joy shared is multiplied while shared grief is divided. You always seem to help others find the right side of the equation.

4. A field of yellow flowers. You are a storehouse of knowledge and creativity, bursting with ideas and almost infinite potential. Keep attuned to the feeling of others and never stop working on building your dreams, and there is nothing you cannot achieve.